Tuesday, August 16, 2005

First Two Days

Hullo, Its 11.15pm and we´re sitting in the hotel, just about to go for a drink...
Got to Newcastle airport and were checked in with about 20 minutes to spare - arrived in boiling hot Alicante and got a taxi to the hotel. Stayed in a wee room with twin beds on the first night, but got that sorted out on Monday and we´re now on the top floor with a balcony and quality Spanish tv channels that play adverts constantly - Result!
Heres Linsey:
Hi! Went for a walk round the harbour and had nice spanish meal on the first night- Alicante is really spanish and non-touristy which is nice! everything is shut during the day and kids and old folk are out and about til two in the morning.
Had brekkie in the hotel every morning- ate some crazy red stuff which i think was raw meat and tomatoes. went to beach, got burnt and jumped about in the sea. Really really good fun!!
As a side note- a man selling sunglasses called mark ´big friend´ and he also got propositioned by a lady of the night- he turned her down, lucky for him!
walked up giant hill today, came back down again and had more beaçh fun with a bat and ball set. It really is great here, just having fun and so excited about whats to come- no plans yet set in stone! I have terrible tan lines- so will concentrate on that for the next few days as we go to a theme park and visit a castle and have crazy times! Oh, there is also a shop called sexyland and we got drunk on sangria after being in the sun all day- so you can tell we are enjoying spain! Hola!

Mark again:
Hope alls well and exciting in Scotland - Lisa, let me know if that bag turned up, we had a look but it definitely didnt come with us - you can leave comments on this thing to let us know...
I´ve walked a thousand miles since Sunday, eaten fantastic ice-cream, drunk mohitos in secret bars beside the cathedral and am slowly becoming the most chilled out man in the universe. Its very very good... Madrid next - we should sort out the accomodation tomorrow (besides visiting the theme park) - will update again later this week hopefully, and figure out how to get some of our photos on here to make you all jealous.


At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi you guys are crazy dudes!! Keep me informed on your Tour. Mark you sound COOL!!

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'ello, good to see you're enjoying yourselves. I'm drunk, and mike's getting married tomorrow. Bloody red wine.... filling my head with murmurs. anyway, be good, and if you can't be good be careful, and if you can't be careful take drugs to the max....YO! Holla! 'nat. I'm going to bed now, but I don't expect the room to stop spinning for a good couple of hours. have a Sangria on me...not literaly, that would be messy.
Love Brent mwaaaah,

At 3:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just linked to your site its sooooooo cool man. Keep up the good work. I hope you 2 guys have a fun time. If you can schedule it " Micanos" is a liberated country that you can chill in.


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