Monday, October 10, 2005


Just quick notes for now, its 12:30am!
We got to Poznan pretty late and jumped in a taxi to our hotel from the station. We were shattered and knackered and were going to meet lots of my relatives the next day, so we just stayed in the hotel and got a pay per view movie, then fell asleep. We were meeting Michal (my Polish 2nd cousin) in the hotel at 12pm the next day, so we got up and got some breakfast, then wandered down to meet him in reception. We all got on well and he took us to his work at the university where he teaches history then to see my great-grandparents graves, then to the town where my DziaDzia (Grandad) grew up where we saw his old house and the neighborhood, and to a couple of other places round town.
We met Shemeck and Danka (his mum and dad) and Agneshka (his wife!) Im never going to be spelling all these names right. And we went for a meal in a local restaurant, which was good fun.
Bullet point memory jogging things for me to fill in later:
Meal at restaurant with everybody, then back to Michals flat for mead like alchohol!
Pub with Michal and Agneshka where we got drunk on Polish beer and talked about music all night.
Poznan town square which was very pretty. And which we alked around whilst we were supposed to be meeting Michal at the hotel.
University where Dr. Michal worked.
Dinner at Shemek and Dankas flat (and the pope story-I know Linseys bursting to tell everybody that one) and My Aunt asking me if I remembered her name, and me forgetting it, and forgetting it again now that I have to write about it. What was it? ... Hania. thats it. Aunty Hania. she sang Baa Baa Black Sheep and a song about Mr Brown that I hadnt heard before. It was great though, and everybody was exceedingly hospitable to us. Thanks!
Old Poznan tour with Michal and Agneshka, where we took photos of each other next to a hundred statues (including the goats and the bicycle man).
Coffee n Cakey shop
Drink Drink Drink
Eat Eat Eat
Kabanos rewards for Polish speaking.
Leaving on Sunday with cakes and rolls from Danka, sad to go and happy to have met everybody, it was great fun.