Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Blah de blah de blah

tum te tum, Linsey's still writing up Prague, and we're in a cavernous internet cafe, deep in Krakow somewhere... so Ill just write about some extra stuff I suppose. How about things Ive learned recently on the trip? Such as "Night trains may sound romantic, but whatever illusion you have of being lulled asleep by the gentle clickety clack of the train travelling from the Czech Republic to Poland will be very quickly thumped out your head by the screeching brakes as the train stops every 30 minutes and the people in the compartment next to you have a the funniest ever Czech stand-up comedy night which leaves them laughing and jumping in their seats all night."
Or - try not to sneak out a particularly stinky fart on the night train when you think everybody is asleep, just 30 seconds before the Polish conductor opens the compartment and switches the light on to check your tickets. Poor woman, I wouldnt have wished that one on my worst enemy, and Linseys face was a picture as she woke up to the realisation too!

There's the "try to get up before the night train arrives in Krakow" tip, removing the need fro you to rapidly stuff all your belongings into a sleeping bag the moment you wake up and realise you have 1 minute to get your stuff off, then cart it all off the train into the station to sort them out on a bench.

I am never going on an Eastern European night train again. Ever. You should have seen the bed/seats, and the first compartment we got into had a light fixture that made a sound like an anfry bee in a marmalade jar every time it was switched on. The curtains in our compartment werent wide enough to cover the windows so I had to construct a towel hanging system to block out the light from the corridor, which was effective until a train guard or passport inspector ruined it by barging in and switching the light on every hour.

Anyway! Poland is great, so Im very glad we finally got here, in fact, Im very surprised that we finally got here. But it looks great so far, will diarise it all soon..... hope everybody is well and will forgive my night train rantings!


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