Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Robotman, Graterman, Coneheadman, Claywoman, Two-people tangoing man, Drunken Japanese Businessmen

Loads of people dressed up doing street entertainment. Graterman was my favourite, dressed in a costume made primarily of graters, he shakes a bit when you put money in his tin. nice. (we didn´t give him any money though) Close second was probably robot man, the kids favourite. he was a robot with a robot gun and sound effects to go with it.
Drunken Japanese Businessmen appeared last night when I was sitting on the balcony finally getting to the end of "A short history of nearly everything", they were absolutely smashed, and from our balcony I had the perfect view of them wobbling about and propping each other up in the street. Most disappeared up a side street, leaving a couple who started to drunkenly bow at each other and then collapse into some sever hugging, at which point I woke Linsey up because I didnt want her to miss it.

Almost forgot to mention the musicians in the street - If you´ve seen Eddie Murphy in Coming to America - the start of the film where he´s woken up by an orchestra as an alarm clock; we hd pretty much that experience on the first morning we woke up - a virtuoso violinist was busking under our balcony, it was probably the best way to wake up in the world. He was joined later on by another violinist and a cellist, and even me with my shitey knowledge of classical music could pick out pachelbels canon and Elgars cello concerto from the bunch. Good room. Hostal Riosol, if you fancy staying in Madrid sometime. 39 euros a night for a double room too - the rom had its own shower but the toilets were shared.


At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Porno shoot in a fountain!!! can't just blurt that out and not follow it up.
you both sound pretty relaxed...s'good ya?
I sent gordon a link to this site too. Oh and Mark...Dave O'neil is rejoining the band.s'good too.
live it up...
From me...Brent

At 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yowzers just seen pics of Mark in muscle t-shirt are they bulges real? Didn't realise you have been working out. Do the right thing burn them darn sandels or at least were long white socks for full retro effect.


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